Blind Bogey Flight A Winners:
Tiebreaker: best score on 3 toughest holes determined by course

WINNER: Ashok Patel  / Raju Patel
Second: Roshan Patel / Devang Patel

Blind Bogey Flight B Winners

WINNER: Dilip Dahya / Raj Patel
Second: Paresh Patel / Vinod Patel

Gross Score Winner
Tiebreaker: best score on 3 toughest holes determined by course

WINNERS: Darshan Patel/ Amir Patel

Closest to the Pin: Hole 8

WINNER: Amit Patel 6′ 3″

Longest Drive: Hole 9

WINNER: Jonathan Yip

Closest to the Pin: Hole 16

WINNER: Ravi Chekuri 1′ 7″

Longest Drive: Hole 17

WINNER: Brett Weber



Flight Team Name Gross Score Net Score
A Ashok(Andy) / Raju(Roger) 67 69
A Roshan / Devang 71 69
A Anand / Devin 67 71
A Abhi / Prajesh 75 71
A Nalin / Ashok(Oakland) 72 72
A Bhupesh / Veeral 72 72
A BJ / Ravi 74 72
A Paras / Amit 76 72
A Vijay / Brett 71 73
A Jayanti / Naresh 73 73
A Craig / Bill 75 73
A Raja / Dhiraj 77 73
A Pramod / Mike 74 74
A Rick / David 74 74
A Bhargav / Yash 75 75
A Mehul / Amish 78 76
A Tom / Jeff 80 76
A Arvind / Rupen 75 77
A Veenay / Bhavesh Chhiboo 84 80
A Prakash / Raj 77 81


Flight Team Name Gross Score Net Score
B Dilip / Raj 76 68
B Paresh / Vinod 75 69
B Dharmesh / Stephen 73 71
B Darshan / Amir 67 73
B Chirag / Jonathan Yep 73 73
B Haree / Dilan 73 73
B Vikash / Peter 76 74
B Bobby / Ramesh 80 74
B Trushar / Amit 86 74
B Narendra / Jayesh 81 75
B Hemant / Nicanor 85 75
B VijayR / BharatK 85 75
B Kunal / Vatsal 72 76
B Raju / Vijay 82 76
B Bhaven / Bhavik 82 76
B Vyomesh / Hitesh 82 76
B Rashmin / Kamal 81 77
B Ashish / Shailesh 83 77
B Divyesh / Harman 85 77
B Samit(Sunny) / Rahul 76 78
B Mukesh / Bhupen 78 78
B Sandeep / Abhi 82 78
B Jagubhai / Ravi 84 78
B Neeraj / Akhil 83 79
B Sandip / Riya 84 80
B Pratic / Balvant 84 80
B Dilip(Dee) / Hasu(Tony) 83 81
B Justin / Vimal 86 82
B Sukhdev / Deepak 84 84
B Bharat / Jayendra 92 86
B Vishal(BJ) / BharatP 94 86
B Satish / Mukesh(Mickey) 120 96